Begin the Journey.
Learn more about birth and after baby arrives with Raquel in her unique classes.
Birth With Confidence™ Online $225/couple
Are you wanting to learn more about birth and after baby arrives but having a hard time finding the hours in the day to attend a birth class? Join me for Birth With Confidence™ Online, a comprehensive completely virtual birth class you can watch anytime your schedule allows from the comfort of your home!
Click here for more details about Birth With Confidence Online
Nourish Your Birth™ $400/couple
Nourish Your Birth™ is a 6-week virtual and in-person birth education course that meets weekly for 2.5-3 hours. Each week you will experience the hands-on learning of an in-person class, as well as continue your learning with a virtual class you can watch anytime from the comfort of your home!
$200/couple to register with remaining $200 billed after class 2. HSA eligible!
Click here for more details about Nourish Your Birth In-Person course
Birth Basics™ /$300 couple
Did you get to the end of your pregnancy and realize that you need/want to take a birth class but are due soon? Join me for Birth Basics, an in-person condensed birth class that meets for 3 sessions to cover the birth process and comfort measures and positions all from the comfort of your home - where you’ll actually be laboring!
Newborn Care and Comfort/Breastfeeding Basics-$165 couple
Newborn Care and Comfort and Breastfeeding Basics is a 2 session course designed to provide you with all the essentials to care for your baby (and practice!) before baby arrives! Never held a baby before? Learn how to safely do so and much more to give you a great start to parenthood! Planning to breastfeed but aren’t sure where to begin? Learn how to obtain a pain-free latch, avoid difficulties, and get a good start.
Click here to learn more about Newborn Care and Comfort/Breastfeding Basics
Private Newborn Care and Breastfeeding Class/$200 couple
Are you wanting to breastfeed your baby after he/she arrives but aren’t sure how to begin? Are you new to baby care and want a class to cover diapering, comfort holds, and what to expect from your newborn?
Receive one-on-one personalized instruction from a certified lactation consultant and childbirth educator all from the comfort of your home. We work together to schedule 2 weekday evening sessions or 2 weekend day sessions. For example: Thursdays 6:30-9PM or Saturdays 11-1:30PM
Click here to learn more about a private Newborn Care and Comfort/Breastfeeding Basics course
Hi, I’m Raquel. As a Certified Lactation Counselor and Accredited Childbirth Educator, I consider it a privilege to serve and hold space for couples as they walk this new journey in their lives…without judgement, with patience, and with practical steps to help them decide what is best for their babies and themselves.
Want to learn more about your educator?