Birth With Confidence™ Online
When signing up for the Birth With Confidence™ Online class, you’ll have access to a client portal where you can work at your own pace to complete all of the birth goodness. You’ll have access to pre-recorded videos and a personalized PDF workbook that you can steadily work through or dive in and binge everything at once. Watch the videos as many times as you’d like! Here’s what you’ll be learning:
Class 1: Intro to Birth Class, Suffering vs Pain in Labor, Ways of Handling Pain, Key Components to Staying Healthy and Low Risk
Class 2: Core Pregnancy Exercises, Intro to Relaxation, Nutrition During Pregnancy, Importance of Protein, Anatomy of a Pregnant Mama and How This Relates to Labor and Birth
Class 3: Informed Consent and Refusal, Empowered Birth, Benefits versus Risks, Newborn Procedures Research
Class 4: Importance of Abdominal Breathing, Beginning Stages of Labor/Physical and Emotional Signposts. NOTE: Virtual labor rehearsals begin here!
Class 5: Active Labor to Transition in Detail, J Breathing, Comfort Measures and Coping Skills for the Hardest Part of Labor
Class 6: Pushing and Delivery of the Placenta - What You’ll Experience and the Raw, Power of Birth
Class 7: Postpartum and Birth Planning-What’s important
Class 8: Unexpected Situations in Birth, Epidurals/Spinal anesthesia Pros and Cons, What Happens During a C-section
Class 9: Newborn Care and Comfort - How To Take Care of Your Little One After They Arrive.
Class 10: Breastfeeding Basics-How Do You Make Milk, How to Get a Good Start, Equipment needed and more!
Start anytime!